EQIP Technical College Gladstone Region (ETCGR)
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Course Overview:
- The Technical College is located in Boles street and provides a 2 year alternative education program for Year 11-12 students who enroll through Gladstone State High School.
- Students study an individual pathway identified for opportunities for employment in the region. From hands-on trade pathways, traineeships, or full time employment across a variety of sectors. (or completion of a school-based traineeship)
- In year 11, students study Math Essentials, Essential English, Certificate II Work Skills and Certificate II Skills for Work and Vocational Pathway. Throughout year 11 students are off-site
up to 60 days engaging a TAFE course 1-day-per-week, as well as 30 days of associated work experience 1-day-per-week in a small to medium local business.
See the attached documents for a full list of courses that are available to study through CQUniversity or other providers in Gladstone through the VET in Schools funding with each student able to access one fully funded course.
- The Technical College Program includes 1 day per week (max 30 days) each year placement with a small to medium local business, in a vocation aligned to the area of study.
Course Duration:
2 years
Metal Fabrication and Fitting, Boiler Making, Automotive Mechanical, Building Construction, Plumbing, Refrigeration, Labourer/Trades Assistant, Hospitality,
Business/Admin, Sports, Hairdressing, Retail, Cosmetics, Aged Care, Child Care, Health.
Possible Occupations:
Varied – see subject selection guide for more information.